We finished school at about 2:00 on friday. It's been a nice, relaxing weekend (like most are here!). Friday we went to the supermarket and to KFC for dinner. Yummy chicken nuggets! Saturday was laundry/housecleaning day, along with some online tv watching and a dinner out. For lunch, I made a yummy stirfry; pork, carrots, green peppers, and snap peas with some spices. Dinner was SUPERBEES PIZZA! We've been wanting to go back for about a week. We got the Spiced Pizza... cheese, sausage, onions, green peppers. It's soo good. We even got cokes to go with it. It was a good time; we took the time to do a "teach Amy geography" lesson. I swear, Matthew is just full of knowledge; now if only I could retain it when I learn it!
The city is so alive at night. Once the sun goes down, more vendors come out. There are cabs, tuck tucks (3 wheeled scooters with a carriage built in back for passengers), big tricycles (a guy in front pedals the bike, and passengers climb in back) and cars are everywhere. Music is playing, people are milling around.. it's nice! We took a nice stroll home.
Today we slept in. Lunch was our favorite; bacon and bok choy. Today I mixed some carrots and mushrooms in too. Matthew is out trying to get a hair cut. We'll see what he looks like when they are done! Tonight we're going to meet some people for dinner. We were going to go to a teahouse, but it's pretty rainy out and they changed their minds. Oh, well; dinner is good too!
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